Quora – Increasing your Online Reputation

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For the last few weeks, I have been enjoying using Quora.com to increase my online following. Today, I would love to introduce you to Quora as a way to gain more traffic to your website and increase your social media following.

What is Quora?

Quora is basically an intellectual online platform where readers and writers interact with each other by asking and answering questions. Basically, it is an intellectual Facebook!

How do you set up a Quora profile?

Go to www.quora.com and register for an account.

You set up an online profile with a description of yourself. Remember that you can include a synopsis of your business with backlinks to your website and social media accounts to increase your followers and traffic.

My Quora Profille

What Questions do people ask on Quora?

People ask questions on a whole variety of topics including travel, blogging, business and relationships. You can follow topics that interest you and add certain topics to your areas of expertise (What you know about on the right hand side bar).

When you use Quora to increase your online profile, you should think about how you can help others or add value to other people’s lives. By answering questions related to your areas (for me, it’s social media and blogging) you become seen as an expert in your field. When you help people by answering their questions, they will then bear you in mind for future paid services.

You can also answer questions and slot in links to your blog articles when they are relevant. For example, if I get asked a question about solo female travel, I might answer it and include a link to my solo female travel blog. If I am asked about social media or blogging, I might backlink a relevant article from this social media website.

Here are a few examples of questions that I have recently been asked to answer…

You don’t necessarily have to be asked to answer, Quora users can answer any question that they choose to. When you become a popular writer on  Quora, other Quora members might start to ask you to answer questions on particular topics.

Quora works as a Social Media Platform and is Good for SEO

Just like on Twitter and Facebook, you can get followers, who want to see your material or content. You can also receive private direct messages to your inbox. It helps to develop positive relationships with people on this site.

Regarding SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), there are two kinds of SEO – on page (on your website) and off-page (off your website i.e. links on other people’s websites that direct to yours). Using Quora will give you a ‘No-follow’ backlink. It’s great to have a healthy mix of ‘do-follow’ and ‘no-follow’ links to your website.

Using a FREE ebook or Podcast

I find that it is always a good idea to have a ‘freebie’ to offer. For me, my FREE Social Media Podcast works well. People appreciate the free advice, and once it is recorded, it doesn’t cost me any time or money to share that. I also ask them to subscribe to my website to receive it, which means that they go onto my future mailing list for offers and updates.

If anyone comments on my writing with a reference to using social media or blogging, I then send them a private follow up message, offering to help them out by sending my free Podcast. This is positive relationship based marketing.

If you’d like to know more about using Quora to improve your online presence, please contact us.

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