3 Ways To Make Social Media Work In Your Recruitment Business

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If you are in the recruitment business, you will be aware of the need to get new job posts in front of as many people as possible.

Social media can play a massive role in recruitment. The figures say it all with over 500 million Twitter users and 1.11 billion Facebook users – this is a massive virtual recruitment pool. And the best thing about it? Advertising aside, access to this massive field of new potential applicants is absolutely free.

Remember that you need to decide on your target market and focus your social media effort wherever this audience are based. Here are three ways to make social media work in your recruitment business…

Image Credit: Alan Cleaver on Flickr (Creative Commons 2.0)

Linked In for Recruitment

Linked In is a professional networking platform aimed at business users. LinkedIn has over 120 million users worldwide, and many of these are looking for paid positions. On LinkedIn, you can post information about new job openings. You can also make new connections and use LinkedIn for headhunting.

If you do have a budget to spend, linked in may be the best place to use this for recruitment purposes, provided that the users are in your industry.

Green Umbrella suggests creating a LinkedIn Group to build credibility for your target market. You could also consider creating a ‘Linked In policy’ for your recruitment company.

Facebook for Recruitment

On Facebook, you can join in relevant groups and communities for free where you may share job openings and information about employers. Enquiring about other peoples happiness in their current role and what they are looking for will work much better than pushy tactics.

I recently read a fantastic article on linkhumans.com how Insperity use Facebook for their recruitment business. There are two Insperity pages on Facebook – their Insperity Corporate Facebook Page and their Insperity Jobs Facebook Page.

Both of these pages have around 2,000 likes and post content regularly, but the main difference between the two is that the Insperity Jobs page is mainly focused on posting and sharing advice for all phases of the job search combined with ‘behind the scenes’ photos of the team, whereas the corporate page focuses on the entire organization/brand and does not share job information (http://linkhumans.com/case-study/insperity).

Twitter for Recruitment

Twitter is a great way to promote your company and share information about job openings. Again, it may be a good idea to have two separate Twitter accounts – one corporate and one for jobs.

The key thing with recruitment on twitter is getting the #hashtag right, because that will make the tweets more searchable. Hashtags for general job searches may include #jobadvice, #jobsearch, #jobhunt, #hirefriday, #careeradvice, #jobtips, #resume #recruiting or #careers. People will be searching for opportunities in their industry, so industry specific hashtags such as #legaljobs, #retail, #teaching or #nursing may also be relevant. Visit Approach the Market for a full list of job search related hashtags.

Use Twitter in an extremely personable personal way by asking how people are getting on in the current role, and touching base with them again a few months later.

How do use use Social Media for your Recruitment business?

Do you run a recruitment business and use social media to promote it? Do you use social media to secure potential job applicants? Do leave your comments below, I’d love to hear from you.

You may also be interested in reading about social media screening for employees.

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