Social Bookmarking on Delicious – ‘Collect the web’

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What is Delicious?

Delicious is a social bookmarking site that allows users to save links of their favorite online ‘things’. I loosely use the term ‘things’ as you can save the link of anything, from your favorite blogs to an entire website, maybe a tweet, video or a picture you like – delicious gives you the ability to store and access your ‘things’ on any computer no matter where you are in the world.

Why use Delicious for Social bookmarking?

There are many methods of social bookmarking, there are other sites and you can even save links to your toolbar. However, Delicious provides an easy access online organization system that is simple to share and find new links from.

Tagging – When you bookmark a link you can apply a tag stating the title of your saved item, such that you may choose to save a blog about bikes that may tag as cycling.

Stacking – You can also stack links with similar topics. You may like a BMX video that you have tagged as cycling that you could ‘Stack’ with your bike blog. When you stack you can also add a description allowing easy and simple categorisation of your saved links.

Sharing – Delicious allows you to save things privately just for personal access or you can allow others to see your saved links.

Searching – You can also search delicious using a key word and find related links that others have saved, helping you find new things on the web under your topic of interest. Additionally you can follow the profile of people who have similar interests as you so that you can see other links they may tag in future.

How do I get Delicious?

–  All you need to do is create an account by clicking the ‘Join now’ icon on the Home page.

–  It is super simple – you can even create an account via your Twitter or Facebook to save you in putting all your information.

–  Once you have an account it gives you the option to drag an icon (save on delicious) onto your tool bar – very similar to Pinterests format – when you find something you want to save you click the icon. Alternatively you can also click the ‘+’ button which already exists on your toolbar in the top right corner.

–  If you connect via Twitter or Facebook you can choose to share your saved links with your friends and or followers.

Can I use Delicious for my business?

Yes !!

Delicious is not a social media site that will get your website seen by vast amounts of people. However, it is very efficient at getting your site directly to the people that have a interest in your product/service. You may not see a huge increase in hits, views or followers, but it is likely that those who do visit your site will purchase your product/service.

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