Snapchat for Bloggers – The new Wave of Social Media!

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Social Media, including Facebook and Twitter are too easily automated these days. Social Media is no longer always in the now or the moment, because so much content can be scheduled.

But, lets face it, Facebook and Twitter are old hat! Bring on Snapchat – the new mobile based social media app that gives your friends and fans just 24 hours to view your ‘snap’ before it is erased! It is designed specifically to be in the moment, and among teens and young adults, Snapchat is the new wave of social media!

What are Snaps on Snapchat?

Snaps are images, messages or short videos that are sent out to your friends in real time on Snapchat. It is immediate. Although snaps disappear within 24 hours, remember that people can save them as screenshots, so before you send them, make sure you are happy with them and that they are appropriate!

Snapchat murders Facebook!

Can Snapchat be useful for Bloggers?

Absolutely! Snapchat can be great for bloggers who have a creative eye and good content to share. It doesn’t have to be Selfies all the way! Snapchat allows you to connect with people back home when you are abroad. You can communicate with them in a very personal way.

The great thing about Snapchat is the ability to create a 24 hour story, which is perfect for travel bloggers. You could do a Story on ’24 hours in New York’ or ’24 hours at the Elephant Sanctuary in Chiang Mai’!

The benefit of telling a story over snapchat is that it appears in chronological order, as opposed to a news feed where you will see the latest first and the earliest last.


What are the downsides to Snapchat?

You can’t actually use hashtags on Snapchat, so arguably, it is more difficult to get followers than on Twitter or Instagram, but some people are going big on Snapchat!

Also, a recent article on Stuff outlined the issue of Snapchat owning your photos even after they disappear ( So what’s that all about? You snap your pic, share it, it disappears and then Snapchat owns it?! Hmmmm…..many photographers may not be happy with this setup.

I recently set up a Snapchat account, but decided not to use it to promote my solo female Travel Blog, for the above reasons. I value my photography and copyright, and I don’t feel comfortable with the terms and conditions and their privacy policy.

What do you think about Snapchat?

It seems that Snapchat is going to be the new wave of social media. What do you think of it? Do you use it? Are you a blogger that uses Snapchat? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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