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Squidoo Merged with Hubpages in 2014.
For those of you who were avid online writers, you may have been shocked to hear that Squidoo was merged with Hubpages after Seth Godin’s announcement in August this year. Many Giant Squids were gutted, but it is not the end all together. It seems that Hubpages is one of the strongest online writing platforms, and anyone can start making money with Hubpages.
The good news is that that the merge with Hubpages happened smoothly. I had 164 lenses on Squidoo and all were transferred successfully to Hubpages in September. The challenge now is to tweak them and get them featured, because the quality checks on Hubpages are very stringent.
If you want to start making money on Hubpages, first you need to create a Hubpages account.
Then you can create a Hub and make sure that your Hub has the following…
- SEO friendly title
- 3 High Quality and Original Photos
- At least 2 strong video links (Youtube or Vimeo)
- At least 800 words, but if you want a top notch Hub, over 1250.
- An interactive module sure as a poll
- Useful, original and engaging content
Hubs on Hubpages that receive the highest amount of traffic and the most earnings are Hibs that fall into these categories, so if you want to earn money on Hubpages, make sure that you use this as a checklist.
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