How to convert your Personal Pinterest Account to a Pinterest Business Account

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Should I switch my Personal Pinterest account to a Business Pinterest Account?

If you are having trouble deciding which way to go then there are some important points to help you make a better decision.

  • If you use Pinterest to generate an income or improve business, you should have a Pinterest Business Account.
  • If you use your personal account a lot for personal things that you like, you may want to set up a separate business account as well.
  • If you have a large number of followers and use your personal account mainly for business, you may want to convert it to a business account.
  • If your personal account has mostly personal stuff, you may not want to change it up and switch towards a new business account for business purposes.

How to Convert your Personal Pinterest Account to a Pinterest Business Account

To convert your existing Pinterest account into a Pinterest business account, simply log onto your account and follow the ‘Pinterest for business’ area. Once there, you will find a red button indicating a conversion of your personal account into a business account. If you want to convert, hit the big red button and the process of conversion will successfully start allowing you to change or modify your account details such as business type, business activities and other similar info. Other details include your business name, your goals, about us information etc.

In the end, you will have to agree to the agreement and privacy policy of the company before establishing your business account.

Creating a New Pinterest Business Account

For those who want to create a new business account must sign up for a new business account. If you are signing up and you are asked to choose an account type, specify business instead of personal.

Tips for your Pinterest Business Account

  1. Pin frequently – 4/5 pins per day rather than 20 all at once
  2. Like and comment on other people’s pins
  3. Don’t overly self promote
  4. Create a variety of boards and aim for a few hundred images on each
  5. Repin other people’s pins

Click here for further reading on Pinterest.


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