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Right now, the internet is flooding with advice, tips and tricks as to how social media and creative web design can help you as a small business to prosper.
Although the generic advice on the whole may sound sensible, it doesn’t really work very well when it comes to a smaller than regular business. There’s a whole bunch of software service initiators and providers that are just sitting and waiting to get your business, but how do they do it?
The Facebook Fiasco
In general, it starts out with Facebook. Facebook has been at the realm of social networking for quite some time now and has become the main target of most social network based marketing strategies.
Although this is not necessarily how it should be, many web design and marketing firms would advise you to go with either Twitter or Google+, maybe even Pinterest. This is because Facebook is in some ways too large to conquer.
Making content successful on Facebook requires long hours and money which means trouble for smaller businesses. This effectively means that you may end up paying a lot of money for something that is not up to your expectation.
To bring it up to your expectation, you may be required to spend more money. This is not that optimal for a small business, which makes social media a pain for smaller businesses. All this hassle for one social network doesn’t seem worth it now, does it?
So what is the Solution?
It makes sense that small businesses should definitely hire someone else to help to get your business alive on social media.
This is not cheap at all. A regular marketing agency can ask up to $3000 as the starting price. This is daunting but this does not mean that a small business owner should not do any social media web design or marketing at all.
It is important to understand and assess your social media needs, before making any large investments. For example, a construction company will not require as much social media exposure as much as a grocery store. This way, the construction company can invest their money in other internet marketing services like SEO, which would increase traffic to their website.
As important as Social media and web design is in today’s internet crazy world, it is equally, if not more important to understand where you stand. This is especially important for small businesses who do not have thousands of dollars to just splurge on marketing.
You might like to register with People Per Hour to hire a freelancer, or if you would like to outsource to a relatively cheap agency, contact us.
Be smart, be innovative, see your business grow!
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