Using Trendsmap for Twitter – Find out which hashtags are the most popular!

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Many of you have been tweeting and asking about how you can find out the most popular #hashtags on twitter.  Most of you will know that when you use Twitter, putting a # before a word or phrase signifies that it is a trend. The more people use it, the more popular the phrase or the trend becomes. It is important that you know what topics are trending, so that you can see what people want to discuss at that moment in time, and get information out to your followers that will inform and engage them.

If you want to use twitter effectively, find out what is trending through  Trendsmap lets you search for twitter trends by topic and geographical location. Simply type in your location on the top right hand side bar, and the twitter trends in your area will appear on the map.  It will also show you if there is a popular person being retweeted. Trendsmap is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world, so you will see tweets about a topic appear as they are tweeted!

For example, today, we typed York into the trendsmap searchbar, which told us that #yorkfloods was trending. We can now tweet people information and pictures about the floods in the area to keep our followers updated and informed on this issue.  Trendsmap helps you to tweet socially. Remember, not all tweets should be about your business. Use Trendsmap and Twitter search to find out what’s hot and what’s not!

Happy tweeting! If you would like more information on using Twitter for business, please contact us!

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