The Advantages of a WordPress Blog

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There are many blogging platforms around, including Blogger, Posterous and Squidoo. Many people these days opt for other CMS platforms and open source such as Magento and Joomla. Here at Trumpeter Media, our favourite is WordPress. WordPress is the most popular CMS for blogging and it is the main one that you should go for if you want to rank on Google. 

So, what are the Advantages of a WordPress blog?

  1. It’s FREE!
  2. It is Fast and easy to set up.
  3. Excellent for Site Stats.
  4. Has a selection of Pre-programmed themes.
  5. It’s Popular with Google (great for SEO).
  6. Easy to Monetise

SEO advantages of a WordPress blog

We feel that the main advantage of a wordpress blog is its popularity with Google search. Search Engine Optimization is very easy using word press. When you add a post, the writer is very similar to word. Content is key when it comes to SEO, so make sure that the phrase that you want to be picked up by Google appears in at least 4% of the content.  Google will immediately pick up your content as soon as your post is published. No need to ‘ping’ it, as you do with some websites and blogs. These are the SEO advantages of a wordpress blog.

The advantage of WordPress Site Statistics

WordPress Site Stats let you see how many people have viewed your blog each day and where they have been directed from. For example, if 10 people have been directed from Facebook, then you know that your posts are reaching people, and you can start posting more on Facebook to up the amount of views.

Monetising your WordPress Blog

The great thing about WordPress is that it is very compatible with advertising platforms including Adsense and Ezoic. You can download plugins that allow you to host Adsense ads on your site which will brig you a great revenue. Once your blog grows you can consider enrolling with some of the higher paying ad networks such as Ezoic, Medicine or Adthrive. If you are currently deciding on the best way to monetise your blog then you might find this article on Adsense v Ezoic helpful. 

Tracking Affiliate Links

Another way to make money from your blog is Affiliate marketing. Many people become an Amazon Associate, market Amazon products and then get paid a commission for wha they sell. WordPress also shows you how many people have clicked through to other pages from your links, making it very easy to track progress with Affiliate Marketing and partner websites.

Hopefully, you now have an understanding of the key advantages of a wordpress blog. If you would like support in creating a wordpress blog, please contact us – we’d love to help!

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