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British summertime (BST) is once again upon us. Bring on the lighter nights and better weather! However, have you considered the fact that moving the clocks forward may have altered your Hootsuite scheduling without you realising?
BST Confused our Twitter Chat! #TTOT
This morning, I logged on to Twitter for the regular #TTOT chat (Travel Talk on Twitter). This happens at 9.30am every Tuesday. However, as I checked my travel blog Twitter account, Hootsuite had actually sent the initial scheduled tweet for the chat an hour early!
Why did my Hootsuite Scheduled Tweets go out an Hour Early?
Why? The clocks went forward, and I had my Hootsuite account set to UK time, which automatically updated the time on my Hootsuite account, but did not update the times of my pre-scheduled tweets! So my scheduled tweet went out at 8.30am GMT instead of 9.30am GMT this morning!
Basically, GMT does not change, but UK time does, and most of the Twitter chats go by GMT. If it’s an international Twitter chat, this can, of course, cause some confusion – especially if scheduled tweets go out at the wrong time as a result.
UK Clocks went Forward – Check your Scheduled Social Media Posts!
If you have your Hootsuite account set to UK time, I highly recommend that you check your social media scheduled posts, to ensure that they still go out at your desired time. You may have to put them forward by one hour as we did with the clocks!
If you want to stop this from happening, an easy way to get around this is to set your Hootsuite account to Reykjavik time! Iceland does not have daylight saving time, and this will be the case until at least 2019. So, if you need to be international Twitter chats, you can get around the time changes by fooling Hootsuite into thinking that you are in Reykjavik where the clocks don’t change!
Did you experience any social media scheduling blunders when the clocks went forward? If you have any social media scheduling tips, feel free to share them here.
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