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It is clear that there is an upward trend in social media for business. More and more businesses are using social media for brand awareness and promotion than ever before.
An Increase in Social Media Marketing Jobs
The future of social media for business, in my opinion, we’ll see an increase in high social media advertising and also an increase in job vacancies in social media marketing and community management.
The Future of Social Media Marketing and SEO
It is also predicted that social media the future of the social media will involve a bigger role in SEO (search engine optimisation). With an increase in the Google plus usage, Google plus is indefinitely providing businesses link juice end pushing them up the Google rankings.
The Future of Social Media for Marketing and Business interviewed several social media experts on their 2015 predictions the findings from this included the future of social media involving a change in the way that we do business. It is predicted that social media will have a massive impact on sales and customer service.
Drew Larrison of Web Success Agency predicts a social media shift with a higher focus on mobile than ever before. Read Berglund, CEO of a full bottle predicts a rise in video platforms including Vine (
Rachel Millar, the chief listener at Pipeline CRM views 2000 end 15 as the year of transparency. This means that companies will no longer be able to say one thing end do another. Businesses will be making the shift from pushing content out daily towards context, hard data and analysis (
The Future of Social Media for Marketing – A Massive Social Media Sales Increase
Sales via social media are predicted to skyrocket. The massive increase in sales through Twitter and Facebook mean that customers will highly benefit from relevant offers. Social media will allow businesses to find out exactly what the customers want and then marketplace across both social media marketing and traditional marketing channels.
What is the Future of Social Media for Business?
What do you think is the future of social media and marketing for business? Will social media ever get rid of high-street retail? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please comment below.
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