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Do you want to see your social media following end interactions saw in 2015? You have come to the right place!
Here is my four-part social media formula 2015, which will help you to increase your following end engage with your audience effectively.
#1 Write a Quality Post or Update
When you compose your status update or tweet, it is a good idea to experiment with different headlines. For advice on how to create the best social media content, check out this blog from, which tells you the best ways to construct a compelling headline. Try it as a statement and as a question. Remember to attach your recent blog posts for the click throughs!
#2 Attach an Image
A picture is worth 1000 words, and this is true for social media also. When you attach an image to your post or tweet, make sure that it is appropriate and appealing. Successful images on social media often appeal to the emotions.
Also considering adding a video such as a YouTube link.
#3 Audience Engagement
Social media marketing does not work as one way marketing as traditional marketing does. Twitter accounts with the highest number of followers have at least 50% of @mentions and retweets. You need to do the same!
When you engage with your audience, ask them for feedback. You also need to share their content and comment on their content. Positivity works wonders. Tell them how great their website is, or how you just love their recent blog post. They will, in turn, do the same for you.
#4 Social Media Analysis and Review
How do you know if you’recurrent social media marketing tactics are working? Well, if you don’t use social media analysis, the answer is you don’t! We need to measure social media success in order to see what is working and what is not.
For the posts and tweets that are getting a lot of engagement, simply do more of this. The status updates that are not getting retweeted or shared, think about why, and change it. Here are some fantastic tools form measuring social media success….
Remember that analysis is meaningless without review, change and progress!
I hope that you have found our social media formula 2015 helpful. If you have any feedback, please leave your comments below.
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